June 26, 2019

Here is the great thing about Macros: they work. Here’s the sometimes-hard thing about Macros: they don’t work if we don’t hit our targets. I have blogged about this before—the science is undeniable but the execution is easiest in a bubble, when there are no block parties, or graduations, or summer sunshine.

Many of us have a similar relationship with exercise. When we’re on—fireworks! We hit the gym or the trails every day and, suddenly, one off day leads to another and then another, and then one more, until lacing on those sneakers feels like a 100-pound feat, and we’d much prefer a trip to the dentist than a drive to the fitness center.

For those Shredders just starting, it may seem especially challenging in light of all the beach and vacation posts, the invitations out, the packed, umbrella-sundrenched restaurant patios. But like the exercise phenomenon, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. A few off days does not mean that the plan you signed up for won’t work for you. It does not mean that you’re a hopeless cause. Because if that friend who inspired you in the first place did it, so can you.

Everything about food is mental; it’s emotional. The same goes with exercise. The better you do on both counts, the better you feel. Every new day has the potential to be a great one, even if the one before was lousy. And your macro plan is a road map back in the right direction.

So don’t give up on you, regardless of the time of year. Execute the vision. It’s 100% attainable, even on the brink of summer because excuses lurk in all seasons. Macros allows for a lot freedom if we just work those numbers! Make them work for you. Let me help if you’re struggling, and be sure to check out the blog page for extra inspiration and summer travel tips. The journey is the destination—the destination the journey, and it’s yours to design.